Could this be the onset of TYPE 1 DIABETES? - flatulence and pancreas
I had strange symptoms since Wednesday, suggested that type 1 diabetes. I have a terrible viral infection a few weeks ago is really a tribute to my insides.
Since Wednesday I was experiencing the following symptoms occur:
- Frequent urination W / No pain or burning, up to 10-15 times per day
- Increased appetite
- Increased thirst
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Gnawing, burning pain in the abdomen that has lasted for the last 24 hours
- Feelings of "swelling" in the upper abdomen
- Extreme Flatulence
- The frequent were diarrhea (watery, but now the chair is loose and very small businesses)
- Burning, itchy ears
So basically I have many symptoms that are associated with problems of the pancreas, and tthe incidence of type 1 diabetes. I have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday, but I wonder if anyone here could me some information or take a stab at it.
Thank you.
I am sixteen years old when it arrives.
Flatulence And Pancreas Could This Be The Onset Of TYPE 1 DIABETES?
9:59 AM
Maybe. But to know the best way to be a doctor's appointment. It could be a kind of infection.
Comment sous_lepontmirabeau is very bad! You can develop Type 1 diabetes at the end of 30! You do not need to be born with it! Some viruses cause or claim, can! I was diagnosed at 20 with type-1! It can also be of type-2 diabetes or not. Its symptoms resemble other diseases, in May. Please note an endocrinologist, a comprehensive document of the primary school, tend to think they know enough about diabetes, no! Make sure they are certified by the board!
This could be 1, type (or pancreatitis), but other symptoms that are not linked. The only way to find out you is to consult with your doctor. I also agree that your intestinal infection can still be present.
PS People are not born with type 1 diabetes autoimmunity. You are not born with the genetics, and then something in the environment, like a virus triggers the disease. We say that a genetic disease because it is a genetic component, and we can not help it. However, a spring or the trigger and usually develops in childhood and youth, although children and adults, too. The usual age for development is around puberty, between the ages of 5-9 successor company.
Uh ... How ... All I can say is that its information on the development of type 1 diabetesI was wrong. Period. In fact, * * Type 2 diabetes, the form that highly unusual for a person of that time, unless they were obese or had MODY, a subtype of the rare genetic type 2 diabetes, which is thin in young occurs and happens to run in families (autosomal dominant). Type 1 is rare in adolecents.
What his personal comments is immature, unfounded. I am a student in the preparatory year of medicine with a personal interest in autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes. I'm not old or fat! ;) I do not understand how you can use our information, if you do, which is clearly wrong. I agree with you that it is likely that the person concerned is still an intestinal infection) (virus. But it can also be a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics. Urinating 15 times a week for the duration of the disease, it is usually normal. We agree on the visit of a doctor is probably necessary.
Prevention is always better than cure. The poster seems much more than type-1-white, maybe he's in the family (and a high risk) of disease and is worried. A simple test could share your thoughts at ease. It is something worth of a patient, I think.
I would just add that A1c are not used to diagnose type 1 diabetes because the rate of glucose over a period of 3 months to play. Because the type-1 can occur in weeks, not months, a large number of type 1 have an abnormal form of hemoglobin A1c, or extremely high. The A1C should not be used to diagnose diabetes. In this case, type 1, usuallyAll that is needed is a solution of random glucose, serum or exposure of ketones in the urine, a test for C-peptide and antibody tests.
It is more likely is that they have diabetes, but the best thing is certain, if it concerns you.
.. As part of the information: Type 1 diabetes is a multifactorial and polygenic disease. HLA-specific loci on chromosome 6 are involved and the AIRE gene and unknown. They study the possible causes are coxsackie and enterovirus, a lack of vitamin D in the first years of life () an immunomodulator, and early exposure to and / or time of exposure to gluten and casein and / or other dietary protein. As with all autoimmune diseases, intestinal "leak to be" seems to be the entry point for relaxation. This is the best way I can for you together.
People who are "born andquot; usually have type 1 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, but a rare (1 cause of 1000 patients with type 1 diabetes), genetic form of diabetes by a mutation of the 6 KIR. These children will be able to inject the oral medications for type 2 (sulfonamide) instead of insulin. You can search for my previous post about this rare form of newly discovered diabetes.
I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 19, ask your doctor as soon as possible, and hemoglobin A1C (ask him to examine and obtain a blood test to see if you are diabetic).
I known, I am in pain when a strange feeling as if my bones and I went to the doctor and told him the story urnination more frequent and extreme thirst and I did the test.
Go to your doctor as soon as possible, today, if not too late tomorrow, it's a good reason not to go to school and choose your doctor about this place is very important!
4 Peace of Mind Ur in 2 pages that I help set U / topic / diabetes
U Ur an answer here. I hope I helped U
It should also control of celiac disease.
Regardless of what some have said, the type-1 can occur at any age.
Mary Tyler Moore was not until she was well into his 20s. I met a woman who developed type-1 in the Arts, 70 '
I wish him all the best. The first step is a diagnosis.after you can feel better.
Well, I doubt it. I was diagnosed with type diabetes at the age of 17 years.
I developed a thirst loca ... I'm talking about liters of drinking water and will not make a difference ... A rapid weight loss, cramps, often in the legs, loss of appetite and vague.
I would say that he is still recovering from the virus, but will receive a test blodd would not hurt.
It seems that the remnants of the virus I had.
Type 2 diabetes are increased thirst, increased urination, and fatigue, symptoms, but the other symptoms do not agree.
If you antibiotics may have killed the good bacteria live in the intestines. You can try Activia yogurt or has a vibrant culture.
Try it with fried food and sweets for a while and just concentrate on taking things easier, like toast, applesauce, digesting rice, bananas. Stay away from drinking milk, or if you really like for people with lactose intolerance. The symptoms you describe sounds a bit like lactose intolerance for me.
No matter who you are sixteen. Enjoy your life. :)
My sister was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes @ the age of 9 years and was vomiting because of all the floating glucose in your system. His blood sugar over 700 WHE she was diagnosed. In addition, if your blood sugar is developed with a very high breath odor, a nurse or a doctor in a position to recognize, too.
See if you can borrow a diabetic glucose monitor (perhaps that you no longer use, but still see support in progress) and sugar in the blood test for themselves whether your.
If you had a fever, let's say 103 for a long time, this could damage the pancreas. If you do not laugh, and he fell from his skateboard or injury to the pancreas can have 1-diabetes. They have some signs of infection are common, so I have to check with your doctor.
Good luck and good health
His pregnant plain
It could be a sign of diabetes, but could also be a sign of another illness. Type 1 diabetes, but it is unlikely at your age, it can be. My sister has developed a 1 1 / 2 hours, and she was 18 at the time. (In an earlier reply, someone said it was not possible, at your age?) Some doctors believe it could from a virus at any point in their lives, may have reached, you are saying .... or a genetic thing that by this virus .. Urination is also a good smell in the air? It would be a great sign of diabetes, because it means that your body is a release of ketones. What can cause kidney damage. It is good that you have an appointment. But one thing he could do, and I know if a set of buying the blood glucose test is too. Youcan at Wal-Mart, CVS, Publix, Albertsons. Each store or pharmacy super site. Although Wal-Mart is the cheapest. They are of course in the diabetes section. My recommendation is to buy the Freestyle brand. It's really embarrassing, others need to stick your finger, but with this system you can use your arm or leg, too. Do not panic: D The normal range for blood glucose 80-130, if it is a little higher or lower, do not panic that you have something your body just kicks in. What to do before you could buy the kit is to be eaten quickly (as Do not eat anything past 8, 00pm at night) I woke up the next morning and try it. If is much greater than in the 200 to 300, which are certainly not. Good luck to achieve, and that millions of people onlyAgreement with the United States alone all the time!
Of Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease was born with ... not [in general] are growing at sixteen. If you do not continue to develop diabetes at the age of sixteen years, then it could type II diabetes (which is unlikely if you are morbidly obese).
The symptoms are you literally could be anything - I'm not a doctor, but I think that the "infection" was never actually removed. If you run a high fever or experience something unusual for a normal illness, please go to the emergency room and not expect people here to answer!
EDIT: those who appear to respond to me, to believe that they do not know what I mean. Of course, you can type I diabetes at the age of 16, nothing in the DAmin world is possible, but it is likely? Of course not. My work in this forum is to make the relevant information available, not a list of all exceptions to the rule ... sorry if it was not clear, but I'm not someone say that you have developed Type I diabetes at age 16, when he was very, very unlikely. I prefer to tell them not to have and consult a doctor because I do not want to feed ill, on the advice of the Government to hypochondriacs. She had a virus and now feel a little bad ... The Leap "OMGZZZ DIABEETEEES" is irrational, and very premature. BTW, I'm not angry against you, I'm sitting against the evil idiots (which often "homeopathic" or "herbal" or other forms of middle-aged fat women) on their computer all day, which want to contradict myself.
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